Ahad, 6 April 2008

Pesanan dari seorang melayu kepada seorang melayu..

JeJaka Lantang menulis...

Setiap kali ada kelahan typical for human being to find something to blame. Kekalahan mereka adalah kesalahan dari pihak lain. Ini adalah pandangan yang akan meninggal kan kita kebelakang.

When something goes wrong we should analyze what we did wrong and try to improve it. Instead of this race propaganda and all the blame game, why can't we try to improve ourselves instead?
Something weird about Malays is that their focuses are always on their privileges. Pada mereka just because they are Malays they expect all the privileges instead of work for it and memajukan bangsa sendiri.

That's why we are still dependent on the government over most things. Bangsa Melayu is not spread out in the world. They either come from that area or have lived there forever or few that live in other places for work. But Chinese they are everywhere in the world finding their own fortune and make something out of their life and their race.

We are not a nation state. We are a multi cultural state and with globalizations lots of people migrate everywhere and the socio cultural and economic is turning into 1. We should embrace that instead because we have been having that cultural mix longer before globalizations.

Focusing on why the other race nak take over and menindas kita sahaja will make us loose the battle. Globalizations are inevitable. Selalu fikir yang orang lain nakkan hak kita aje, but how do we defined what is hak kita and what is not.

Even in Islam, dunia ini is just a loan from Allah. It is nobody's land. We do need the immigrants for our labor market if we need to develop our country and again we must remember that they are still human being and we have to respect their human rights. But then again just because we came to this country first that doesn't mean we are the master they are the slave.

When it comes to the Chinese, they have worked hard to play their part in developing the country together. In fact we can say a lot of the tax money which are used to develop the country came from big Chinese company and because some of them are millionaires, recognize by the world, indirectly Malaysia is recognize by the world as well.

Instead of using that against us why can't we use that to our advantage and work together and learned from them? If we learn to work for something instead of expecting all the privileges then we might be able to buy all that expensive houses, like the one they build for the Chinese.

Please stop all the propaganda. It won't bring anybody any good. Live in peace and majukan diri sendiri untuk negara instead. Demi maruah bangsa kita sendiri, peliharalah kita punya Rukun Negara.

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