Rabu, 5 Disember 2007

The occurrence of rallies and street demonstrations that happened within the last two months has made us imagine that there must be a culprit that is behind all of this. It was too much to be a coincidence to think that Hindraf was the only one who initiated the rally in Kuala Lumpur recently. There must be a connection between the Bersih and Hindraf demonstrations. And now we hear that there will be more gatherings being organized to go against the government in the next coming months.

We also heard that the former Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, Anwar Ibrahim, who was ousted by Tun Mahathir due to his scandalous personal and political issues, went to Mumbai India to support the Hindraf demonstration by concurring with the Indian government to lodge a protest against the Malaysian government.
Anwar Ibrahim said that he has already warned the government of the crisis but instead the government chose to ignore and deny the rights of the Indians community in Malaysia. And now he is with the Indian government to condemn Malaysia’s crackdown in regards to the demonstration organized by Hindraf.
One of the reasons that Hindraf initiated the demonstration was because over the past 50 years, Malaysian Indians blamed the government for being marginalised in this country, and now they want the same rights as enjoyed by other communities. They are also questioning the government of the Indian community achievement in this country. It has also been stated by Hindraf that the Indians are left behind the other races, especially in terms of economic and education opportunities and the government has failed to look after the welfare of the community.
We have to realize that the Malays have never started a conflict with other ethnics in this country. The Malays did not start the 13th May 1969 clash between the Chinese and so with the Kampung Medan incident with the Indians. There is no such thing as ethnic cleansing happened in both confrontations since both sides have suffered casualties. If you say the Malays are weak, I would somehow agree to the statement just because the Malays don’t like to oppress other races in this country. It’s even against the Islamic religion to tyrannize other ethnics just because they are not from the same religion.
We have never been like United States where racial issues between the ‘Whites’ and ‘Blacks’ are a never ending matter and the government is controlled by a certain race only. So goes the same with the UK and Australia. Our Parliament is mixed with different races that represent all the constituents in the country. Ijok in Selangor which is predominantly a Malay settlement has an Indian State Assemblyman.
If the Malays are oppressing the Indians in this country, then why did the Malays chose an Indian to be their representative in a mainly Malay area? As for India, the Hindus have also demolished and burned Muslim mosques as the conflict between Hindus and Muslims is still on until today even though Pakistan was established to house the Muslims in India. And what about Singapore? The Indians and Malays are being marginalized in the country ever since the Chinese took over from Malaysia. It’s easy to find faults instead of goodness, isn’t it?
The Indian community in this country has their own leaders in the Parliament. They should have gone through their leaders before blaming everything towards the Malays of their shortcomings. For the last 50 years, Malaysia has practiced equality among its citizens that was based on the declaration of independence gained in 1957.
The government has given opportunities according to the constitution to all ethnic races in this country. Ananda Krishna is one of the richest man in Malaysia and he’s an Indian. And so as Tony Fernandez, owner of Air Asia. As the saying goes, ‘divide and conquer’, Anwar realized that by setting off racial issue among Malaysians, he can exploit and divide the unity among us that can evolved into a major conflict.
Anwar knew this and has used the issue to achieve his ultimate goal which is to become the Prime Minister of Malaysia. Remember the peace and harmony the country has achieved over the years. Don’t let this one guy destroy the accomplishment we gained so far. Don’t let Anwar divide and conquer us Malaysians.

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